
QuoteWerks Videos

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Solution Overviews

  • QuoteWerks CPQ - Sales Quoting and Proposal Software Quick Tour
    QuoteWerks 4-Minute Quick Tour
    QuoteWerks enables you to reduce your quoting time from hours to just minutes.
  • QuoteWerks CPQ - Sales Quoting and Proposal Software Overview
    QuoteWerks Product Overview
    The core QuoteWerks functionality is described in depth during this 30 minute video:

    Quoting products and services
    Quote Sheet features
    Saving quotes
    Converting quotes to orders
    Printing quotes
    Creating product lists
    Professional Edition features
    Accounting link features
    Advanced features
  • QuoteWerks Web Introduction
    QuoteWerks Web - Introduction
    A short introduction to QuoteWerks Web. If you are using QuoteWerks Desktop to automate your sales process, QuoteWerks Web is the next step in the evolution of your sales team.
  • What is VendorRFQ?
    What is VendorRFQ?
    VendorRFQ enables customers to communicate with their vendors, discussing and negotiating pricing and details for goods and services, collecting and organizing this information from one or all of their vendors.
  • QuoteWerks Services and Training Options
    QuoteWerks Services and Training Options
    Are you new to QuoteWerks and need help getting started? Maybe you’ve had QuoteWerks for a while but need some refreshing? Or maybe you have staff that’s just starting and you don’t have time to train them? QuoteWerks can help!
  • CRM and Accounting Integrations
    CRM and Accounting Integrations
    Did you know that QuoteWerks integrates with many CRMs, PSAs, and accounting software solutions? Our integrations allow you to work seamlessly within multiple systems without adding to your workload.
  • QuoteWerks Integrates with QuickBooks
    QuoteWerks Integrates with QuickBooks
    Did you know that QuoteWerks integrates with both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop - keeping your sales people out of your accounting software?
  • QuoteValet - Modern Quote DeliveryTM
    QuoteValet is a more robust way to deliver quotes to your customers and prospects. Ever wonder what happens to your quote after you sent it? With QuoteValet, instead of emailing a PDF of your quote, it creates an interactive web page where your customer can selection options, ask questions and even sign and pay electronically.
  • QuoteValet Mobile
    Use your iPad or HTML5 compatible tablet to create quotes while on the go.
  • Overview for VARs and MSPs
    In this video, you will see an overview of the tools available to IT Professionals within QuoteWerks enabling you to create Content Rich Quotes and Proposals with both speed and efficiency.
  • Why you need quoting and proposing software
    John Lewe, President, Founder, and Lead Developer of QuoteWerks, talks about the need for quoting software. All business need three core software applications. CRM, Quoting, and Accounting software. In this video we discuss the untapped benefits in implementing quoting software.
  • Why customers love us
    It is important to know what kind of company you will be working with. John Lewe, our President, talks about the company he has built.
  • How QuoteWerks started
    John Lewe, President and Founder, discusses how he first encountered the need for quoting software and how he invented QuoteWerks back in 1993. Today QuoteWerks is the market leading sales quoting and proposal software serving over 66,000 users in 101 countries.

CRM Integrations

  • Act!
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with ACT!
  • Act! Integration Setup
    Demonstrates how to setup the QuoteWerks integration with Act!.
  • ACT! for Web!
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with ACT! for Web.
  • See how QuoteWerks integrates with Autotask
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with Autotask.
  • ConnectWise
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with ConnectWise.
  • ConnectWise Quick Opportunity Overview
    Quick Overview of Opportunities in ConnectWise including creating Agreements, Sales Orders, and Tickets.
  • ConnectWise Integration Setup
    Demonstrates how to setup the QuoteWerks integration with ConnectWise.
  • ConnectWise Service Items on Opportunities
    Demonstrates how to setup the QuoteWerks integration with ConnectWise to populate service items in the ConnectWise opportunity as product items.
  • ConnectWise REST API Public and Private Keys
    Demonstrates how to create an API Member in ConnectWise to be used by QuoteWerks.
  • ConnectWise Service Tickets
    In this video we introduce you to creating Service Tickets within ConnectWise via QuoteWerks. In the Joes Brewing Printer example, a total of 3 tickets are created. The first ticket is created during the quoting process for the Accounting department to negotiate better rates with a distributor. After the quote it won in QuoteWerks, we then create a ticket for service and a ticket for all of the products.
  • ConnectWise Recurring Products
    Demonstrates how to use ConnectWise Catalog Items as Recurring Products on your QuoteWerks quote.
  • ConnectWise Using product lists
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks ConnectWise integration with the ConnectWise Product Lists.
  • ConnectWise Agreements
    Demonstrates the setting up and using Agreements with ConnectWise.
  • Procurement with ConnectWise
    This video will introduce you to QuoteWerks Procurement with ConnectWise, whether you have the ConnectWise Purchasing module or not. We have other videos on our website that discuss placing online orders, tracking your orders, Purchasing Sourcing, and other features of the purchasing window.
  • GoldMine
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with GoldMine.
  • Google Contacts
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with Google Contacts.
  • HaloPSA and QuoteWerks Overview
    In this video, we introduce you to the QuoteWerks integration with HaloPSA.
  • How to Setup the HaloPSA Integration - QuoteWerks
    Setting Up the HaloPSA Integration
    This video reviews the steps you need to take to configure the HaloPSA integration in QuoteWerks. This includes configuring integration points such as searching and pulling in HaloPSA contacts, creating and updating HaloPSA sales opportunities, creating and updating HaloPSA quotes, and interacting with the HaloPSA items database from inside of QuoteWerks.
  • How to Use the HaloPSA Integration - Quotewerks
    Using the HaloPSA Integration
    In this video we walk you through the QuoteWerks integration with HaloPSA. We show how to pull in a contact from the HaloPSA Customers database, how to create a HaloPSA opportunity and quote from a QuoteWerks document, and how to create a linked document in the HaloPSA quote.
  • How to Setup the HubSpot CRM Integration - QuoteWerks
    HubSpot CRM Setup
    This video will walk you through how to setup the QuoteWerks integration with HubSpot CRM to retreive contacts, create deals, link to the HubSpot CRM product lists, and much more.
  • How to Use the HubSpot CRM Integration - Quotewerks
    HubSpot CRM
    This video will demonstrate how to use the HubSpot CRM integration with QuoteWerks. You'll be able to search for contacts, create and update Deals, and much more!
  • Kaseya BMS Setup
    Demonstrates How to Setup the QuoteWerks integration with Kaseya BMS
  • Kaseya BMS Integration
    Demonstrates How to Use the QuoteWerks integration with Kaseya BMS
  • Maximizer
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with Maximizer.
  • Maximizer CRM Live
    This video walks through the available features in the integration between QuoteWerks and Maximizer CRM Live.
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
  • Microsoft Outlook
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with Microsoft Outlook.
  • Microsoft Outlook Business Contact Manager (BCM)
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with Microsoft Outlook Business Contact Manager (BCM).
  • SugarCRM
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with SugarCRM.
  • salesforce.com
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with salesforce.com.
  • Zoho CRM
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with Zoho CRM.
  • Zoho CRM Setup
    This video will walk you through connecting your Zoho Account with your QuoteWerks installation.
  • How to use the QuoteWerks Built-in Contact Database
    Built-in Contact Database
    This video will walk you through an overview of the QuoteWerks Built-in Contact Database.
  • Pulling CRM field data with the DataLink
    Demonstrates how to use the Datalink feature to pull additional field information from your contact manager into QuoteWerks such as Terms.
  • Sales Tax Rate from ConnectWise with the DataLink
    Demonstrates how to use the Datalink feature to pull the Sales Tax Rate from ConnectWise PSA (Manage) into QuoteWerks.
  • Sales Tax Rate from Autotask with the DataLink
    Demonstrates how to use the Datalink feature to pull the Sales Tax Rate from Autotask into QuoteWerks.
  • Create New Contacts in your CRM or PSA
    Demonstrates how to use Create New Contacts in your CRM or PSA from QuoteWerks
  • Quickly Display a Contact in your CRM
    Do you integrate your QuoteWerks with a CRM or PSA? Would you like to save time trying to find a contact in your contact manager? QuoteWerks can help save you time!

QuoteWerks Web

Learn more about QuoteWerks Web.

  • QuoteWerks Web Introduction
    QuoteWerks Web - Introduction
    A short introduction to QuoteWerks Web. If you are using QuoteWerks Desktop to automate your sales process, QuoteWerks Web is the next step in the evolution of your sales team.
  • QuoteWerks Web Remote
    QuoteWerks Web - Remote Workforce
    With more of the labor force working remotely, being able to create your quotes from anywhere is even more important. See how QuoteWerks Web can help!
  • QuoteWerks Web General Overview Webinar
    QuoteWerks Web Overview Webinar
    This webinar demonstrates the major features of QuoteWerks Web including Real-time and Etilize, QuoteValet, and much more. This video is a great overview of how easily QuoteWerks Web can be added to an existing QuoteWerks Desktop installation.
  • QuoteWerks Web with ConnectWise Manage
    QW Web & ConnectWise
    Introducing QuoteWerks Web with ConnectWise Manage! During this video we walk through how you can use QuoteWerks Web inside of ConnectWise to generate a quote, create an opportunity, deliver and close the quote in QuoteWerks Web without having to leave ConnectWise!
  • QuoteWerks Web a hybrid cloud CPQ application integrating with Autotask PSA
    QW Web & Autotask
    See how easy it is to create, edit, and deliver quotes using QuoteWerks Web. This video covers the major features of QuoteWerks Web and how it integrates with Autotask.
  • QuoteWerks Web a hybrid cloud CPQ application integrating with Kaseya BMS
    QW Web & Kaseya BMS
    This video covers the major features of QuoteWerks Web and how it integrates with Kaseya BMS. See how easy it is to create, edit, and deliver quotes using QuoteWerks Web.
  • QuoteWerks Web a hybrid cloud CPQ application integrating with Salesforce.com
    QW Web & Salesforce.com
    See how easy it is to create, edit, and deliver quotes using QuoteWerks Web. This video covers the major features of QuoteWerks Web and how it integrates with Salesforce.com.
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration with QuoteWerks Web a hybrid cloud CPQ application
    QW Web & Microsoft Dynamics CRM
    See how easy it is to create, edit, and deliver quotes using QuoteWerks Web. This video covers the major features of QuoteWerks Web and how it integrates with Microsoft Dynamics CRM (MS CRM).
  • QW Web & Zoho CRM
    This video demonstrates the available features in QuoteWerks Web and how it seamlessly integrates with Zoho CRM
  • QW Web & HubSpot CRM
    This video demonstrates the available features in QuoteWerks Web and how it seamlessly integrates with HubSpot CRM
  • Drag and Drop in QuoteWerks Web
    This video demonstrates the how to move line items in a document in QuoteWerks Web using Drag and Drop.
  • QuoteValet Dashboard in QuoteWerks Web
    This video introduces you to the QuoteValet Dashboard on QuoteWerks Web. The QuoteValet Dashboard can be easily access on the side navigation bar in QuoteWerks Web. You can easily see when a customer has viewed or accepted a quote, made adjustments to a quote, paid, and more!
  • Line Attributes Overview in QuoteWerks Web
    In this video, we go over the Line Attribute settings in QuoteWerks Web. Line Attributes allow you to add characteristics to individual items; for example, hiding the price of a product or service. Line attributes is a great feature that gives flexibility to customize your quotes.
  • Create New CRM Contacts
    In this video, learn how to create new contacts from QuoteWerks Web in your CRM and PSA.
  • Bundles in QuoteWerks Web
    In this video, learn how to use Bundles or Kits with QuoteWerks Web.
  • Compare Items using Etilize
    Did you know that Quotewerks Web allows you to compare Etilize items before adding them to the quote? It's easy and will save you time! This short video demonstrates how to use this powerful feature!
  • Apply Quantity - Multiple Items
    Have you ever wanted to apply quantity changes to multiple items at the same time without having to change each individually? Find out how!
  • Help in QuoteWerks Web
    In this video, we explore the QuoteWerks Web "Help Button," located on the left-hand side of your QuoteWerks Web interface.
  • Visually Organize Documents
    In this video, we highlighted the lower right-hand buttons in QuoteWerks Web, as well as the Change Background Image button.
  • Configurator - Basic (QuoteWerks Web)
    Demonstrates the different types of configurations in QuoteWerks Web and how to setup and use them.
  • Configurator - Intermediate (QuoteWerks Web)
    This video builds upon the Configurator Basics video including setting the quantity for your item, the sort code, line type, and item attributes.
  • Configurator - Advanced (QuoteWerks Web)
    This video builds upon the Intermediate Configurator Basics video adding advanced features such as when to use product, navigation, and default branches.
  • QuoteWerks Web and QuickBooks Online
    In this video, we explore the seamless integration between QuoteWerks Web and QuickBooks Online.
  • QuickBooks Online Integration Setup (QWW)
    This video will walk you through how to configure the Interactive QuoteWerks Web Accounting Link to QuickBooks Online.
  • Multiple Signatures with QuoteWerks Web + QuoteValet
    In this video, we show you how easy it is to request multiple signatures or co-signers via QuoteWerks Web and QuoteValet.


Learn more about VendorRFQ.

  • What is VendorRFQ?
    What is VendorRFQ?
    VendorRFQ enables customers to communicate with their vendors, discussing and negotiating pricing and details for goods and services, collecting and organizing this information from one or all of their vendors.
  • VendorRFQ Introduction | Submitting RFQs and awarding the winning bids
    VendorRFQ Introduction
    See how easy it is to submit RFQs to multiple vendors and then select and award winning bids.

Training Videos

Getting Started

  • How to install QuoteWerks
    This step-by-step video walks you through downloading and installing QuoteWerks (both a local installation and a network installation), including how to enter license keys and do your initial basic setup.
  • Getting Started with QuoteWerks
    Now that you have downloaded and installed QuoteWerks, you may be asking yourself, "What do I do next?" In this video, it will demonstrate how to get started and set up QuoteWerks. It will show you how to set up a contact manager, import a product database, customize a quote layout, and create your first quote.
  • How To Update/Upgrade QuoteWerks
    This video will demonstrate how to update your current QuoteWerks installation to the most recent version or build so you are always up to date!
  • Adding License Keys & Logging in
    This short video will walk you through how to find and open QuoteWerks after it has been installed. We will also show you how to add license keys to QuoteWerks and how to log in after keys have been added.
  • Replacing Product Content Subscription License Key
    This step-by-step video walks you through how to enter your renewed annual subscription License Key for your Product Content Subscription (Powered by Etilize).
  • Using Redemption Codes
    How to apply a redemption code in QuoteWerks.
  • QuoteWerks Database Hosting
    How to rehost your QuoteWerks installation to the QuoteWerks Hosted Database subscription and connect it with your QuoteWerks Web Subscription.


  • QuoteValet - 3 minute setup
    In this video, you will learn how to setup QuoteValet in QuoteWerks for the first time. This includes entering QuoteValet Tenant Credentials, Uploading your company letterhead, using Sales Rep Pictures, and more.
  • QuoteValet Mobile - Creating your first quote
    This step-by-step video walks you through creating your first quote on QuoteValet Mobile.
  • QuoteValet Mobile - Creating Templates
    Demonstrates how to create quote templates on QuoteValet Mobile.
  • QuoteValet Mobile - Adding icon to your iPad
    Demonstrates how to create an icon on your iPad to launch QuoteValet Mobile and also how to default your tenant account number and Login name to avoid having to re-type it every time..
  • QuoteValet Insight Highlights
    This video is a high level overview of what QuoteValet Inight is. QuoteValet Insight is a browser-based solution that gives user’s insight into the progress of the company’s documents that have been uploaded to QuoteValet.
  • QuoteValet Insight
    Demonstrates how to use and setup QuoteValet Insight.
  • QuoteValet Shopping Cart
    Demonstrates how to use the QuoteValet Shopping Cart.
  • Capture Written Signatures with QuoteValet
    Demonstrates how to Setup and Use written signatures with QuoteValet templates.
  • Enable Customer Quantity Changes
    Demonstrates how to enable customers to be able to modify quantities of items on your QuoteValet template.
  • QuoteValet Maintaining OrderForms and Mobile Templates
    Demonstrates how to maintain QuoteValet OrderForms and QuoteValet Mobile Templates. This includes how to know what Templates and OrderForms have been uploaded to QuoteValet, obtaining QuoteValet Shopping Cart URLs for sending to customers, and modifying/removing Shopping Cart OrderForms and Mobile Templates.
  • QuoteValet Overview
    This short video will introduce you to QuoteValet - Modern Quote Delivery.
  • Add Videos to QuoteValet Documents
    In this short video we demonstrate how you can quickly and easily link YouTube videos to your QuoteValet documents.
  • Payment Options
    Use Payment Options on your documents to easily collect payments from your customers through QuoteValet. By utilizing Payment Options you can simplify how customers can pay you and offer a variety of payment options.
  • QuoteValet File Sharing
    Share files with your clients directly through QuoteValet. Using the QuoteValet File Share feature, you and your clients can directly share files between each other that are needed to complete the deal.
  • QuoteValet Auto Calculations
    Wouldn’t it be nice if QuoteValet totals would just auto calculate without having to click the refresh button each time? Other customer’s wanted this feature too! So… QuoteWerks made it happen!
  • QuoteValet - Supported Payment GateWays
    Did you know that QuoteWerks/QuoteValet supports over 80 payment gateways?
  • QuoteValet - Introduction
    A quick introduction to QuoteValet for QuoteWerks
  • QuoteValet - Branding & Customizations
    Take a deeper dive into QuoteValet by learning how to customize the HTML/CSS, support Credit Card payments, and other important feature sets within QuoteWerks' electronic delivery tool.
  • Custom URL Feature in QuoteValet
    In this video, we will go through the process of customizing the URL your customers will see when receiving a quote through QuoteValet.
  • Multiple Signature Overview
    This allows you to obtain multiple signatures, including co-signing to fully execute agreements.


  • Importing Products
    Demonstrates how to import products using the Product Import Wizard.
  • Importing Products into folders
    Demonstrates how to import products into product folders and sub-folders.
  • Bundles - Introduction
    A Short introduction to Bundles in QuoteWerks.
  • Bundles - Basics
    Demonstrates the different types of bundles in QuoteWerks and how to setup and use them.
  • Bundles - Advanced
    This video builds upon the Bundles Basics video adding advanced features such as comments and subtotals to your bundles.
  • Configurator - Basic
    Demonstrates the different types of configurations in QuoteWerks and how to setup and use them.
  • Configurator - Intermediate
    This video builds upon the Configurator Basics video including setting the quantity for your item, the sort code, line type, and item attributes.
  • Configurator - Advanced
    This video builds upon the basic Configurator Basics video adding advanced features such as when to use product, navigation, and default branches..
  • Required and Optional Items
    Required and Optional Items are an easy way to include items automatically to your QuoteWerks documents without having to search or remember to add them.
  • Paste Special
    Do you receive quotes from vendors? Do you have reps creating quotes in Excel? Use the QuoteWerks Paste Special tool to easily import quotes in Excel directly into QuoteWerks with just a few clicks!

Layout Designer, Word Merging, and Reporting

  • Layout Designer - Beginner
    In this video, we review the basics of editing and customizing your QuoteWerks Print Layouts.
  • Layout Designer - Intermediate
    In this video, we review the editing and customizing your QuoteWerks Print Layouts from an Intermediate level.
  • Introduction to Reporting
    Walk alongside one of our Senior Technical Support Representatives as we create a brand new report so you can see the full scale of the powerful and built-in reporting capabilities of QuoteWerks.
  • Word Merging Proposals
    Demonstrates how to create Microsoft Word based quotes and proposals from within QuoteWerks rather than using our built-in layout designer.
  • Layout Designer - Introduction
    Demonstrates how to use the QuoteWerks Layout Designer to customize the printed lookup of your quotes.
  • Layout Designer - Applied
    Demonstrates how to use the QuoteWerks Layout Designer to customize the printed lookup of your quotes.
  • Creating formulas in the Layout Designer
    This video will introduce you to basic formula design in the QuoteWerks layout designer.
  • Creating Proposals with QuoteWerks
    QuoteWerks can be used to create many documents in the sales process from Quote to Proposal. This video demonstrates how quickly and easily you can create a proposal with word editable items in QuoteWerks.
  • Creating Page Breaks in the Layout Designer
    This video will show you how you can create page breaks on your QuoteWerks layout. This video also introduces you to multiple Detail Sections within the same layout.
  • Creating a Profit Amount formula in the Layout Designer
    This video walks you through creating a profit amount formula on the QuoteWerks layout.
  • Placing images or logos on the top of every page in the Layout Designer
    This video walks you through modifying your layout to have your logo or other fields on the top of every page. The video uses a Section Filter to accomplish thi
  • Using Heading lines to divide your quotes into sections
    This video walks you through modifying your layout to use Heading Lines to divide your quotes into sections.
  • Printing your logo on every page
    This video you will show you a simple technique for updating a QuoteWerks print layout so that a company logo will print at the top of every page instead of just the first page.
  • Creating Manual Page Breaks
    This video demonstrates a technique for creating page breaks in the QuoteWerks Layout Designers for printed/emailed documents using special line items in our quote.
  • Word Merging II - The Links Tab
    This video will expand on the Microsoft Word Merging Functionality found in QuoteWerks focusing on the Links Tab.


  • QuoteWerks Integrates with QuickBooks
    QuoteWerks Integrates with QuickBooks
    Did you know that QuoteWerks integrates with both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop - keeping your sales people out of your accounting software?
  • QuickBooks Integration
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with QuickBooks.
  • QuickBooks Integration Setup
    Demonstrates how to setup and configure the QuoteWerks QuickBooks Accounting Integration.
  • QuickBooks PO Integration
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks PO integration with QuickBooks.
  • QuickBooks Online: Invoice / Estimate / Sales Order
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with QuickBooks Online creating an Invoice.
  • QuickBooks Online: Purchase Orders
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks PO integration with QuickBooks Online.
  • Sage 50/Peachtree Integration
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with Peachtree.
  • Sage 50/Peachtree Integration Setup
    Demonstrates how to setup and configure the QuoteWerks Peachtree Accounting Integration.


  • Apply Multi-Line Changes
    This video demonstrates how you can select multiple lines and change the selected lines vendor, quantities, pricing, and many other fields with a click of a button! Making edits in your quotes has never been easier or more efficient.
  • Line Item Quantity Linking
    Link item quantities to each other using the Set Dependent Quantity feature. You can link a parent item to one ore more child items and when the parent's quantity is changed, the child items will automatically be updated to keep the original quantity ratio.
  • Section Headers
    Easily organize your quote into sections to breakdown your quote into project phases, physical locations, item categories and more. Separate the document into visually appealing and easy to read sections with automatic subtotals.
  • Simple Labor
    Include labor charges with line items! Link a labor charge as a line item to a parent item so that when the parent's item is changed, the labor quantity automatically changes with it.
  • Dynamic Notes
    An overview of Dynamic Notes on the Notes tab in QuoteWerks. You can easily insert a user's name and time and date with a push of a button!
  • Summary Lines
    The Summary Lines feature includes the ability to total Section Headers in QuoteWerks. This makes it easier than ever to summarize recurring revenue in sections such as monthly, quarterly, and annual totals for a particular section.
  • FedEx/UPS Shipping Integration
    Demonstrates how to use the FedEx/UPS Shipping Integration.
  • Sales Tax Rate Lookup
    Demonstrates our sales tax rate lookup feature.
  • Mutually Exclusive Options
    Demonstrates how to use Optional Groups and Mutually Exclusive Options to control the options your customers can choose, especially with QuoteValet.
  • QuoteWerks SMTP Email Setup
    Demonstrates how to setup the QuoteWerks SMTP email client.
  • Database Rollout and Document Sync
    This video will walk you through the Database Rollout available in the Corporate Edition as well as the Document Sync available in both the Professional and Corporate Editions of QuoteWerks.
  • Using QuoteWerks HTML Email
    Demonstrates how to use the QuoteWerks HTML Email client.
  • Launching Templates from Shortcuts
    Demonstrates creating desktop shortcuts to launch QuoteWerks and create a new quote from one of several quote templates.
  • Using Select Special
    Demonstrates how to use the Select Special feature for quickly finding and manipulating line items that meet certain criteria.
  • Document Rights
    Demonstrates how to setup different security settings / rights within QuoteWerks for Document Access Rights.
  • Recurring Groups / HaaS
    Demonstrates how to use Recurring Groups in QuoteWerks (Hardware as a Service / HaaS).
  • Multi-Level Undo Redo
    This short video will introduce you to the multi-level Undo/Redo Functionality found in QuoteWerks.
  • Active Quotes Panel
    When creating a new quote and selecting the contact you are creating the quote for, any active quotes for that contact will automatically be displayed in the Active Quotes Panel.
  • Introduction To Scripting
    This video will introduce you to scripting in QuoteWerks. QuoteWerks has built-in VB scripting in the Corporate Edition which enables you to write code to extend the functionality of QuoteWerks including performing special validations, checking for combinations of items, and more. QuoteWerks Scripting takes advantage of API events within the application itself without the need of an externally written application.
  • QuoteWerks My Summary Dashboard
    This Dashboard provides a high-level overview of your total dollar amount and number of quotes and orders from the current month, last month, and two months ago.
  • Rounding with the Price Modifier
    This video will introduce you to rounding in QuoteWerks using the Price Modifier. You can round to the nearest Penny, 5 Cents, 10 cents, Dollar, 5 Dollars, 10 dollars, and even 100 dollars.
  • Drop Down Lists
    This Video will introduce you to the Manufacturer Part Number and Vendor Drop Down Menus on the Quote Workbook. The Manufacturer Part Number column on the Document Items tab supports a drop down list of part numbers. If the Vendor Column is empty, The Manufacturer Part Number column drop down will return a list of all products in the selected Quick Lookup Database. If you have a vendor specified on the same line, QuoteWerks will return that Vendor's database instead of the Quick Lookup vendor's database. If you have a lot of items in your database and know what the part number begins with, you can type in the first few letters of the part number, hold down shift and click on the drop down. This will show you only the part numbers that begin with those letters.
  • Email Tracking Numbers
    A great feature of the Purchasing screen is the ability to quickly email an updated status of items to your customer. How many times have your customers asked, when is my server coming in? We have simplified the process with a simple right click to email your customer the tracking number that is even hyper-linked for them.
  • Dell Punchout Integration
    This short video demonstrates how to use QuoteWerks to import Dell Order Requisitions into QuoteWerks and how to setup the integration. You will need to have a Dell Premier account in order to use this integration as well as the Real-time module for QuoteWerks.
  • Exclude Etilize Results
    Easily exclude results from your Etilize search to remove items that are outdated, unavailable, or you simply do not sell.
  • Multiple Shopping Carts in QuoteValet
    Select the OrderForm template for your shopping cart pages to take advantage of various features and settings in each template.
  • Modify HTML PO Template
    This short video will demonstrate where and how you can make changes to the default PO email template found on the Purchase Orders tab of the QuoteWerks Purchasing Window.
  • Using QuoteWerks Commands
    This introduction video provides a brief overview of how you can use QuoteWerks Commands to edit, update, and remove settings in your installation and across multiple users.
  • Track Approvals in QuoteValet Insight
    This video demonstrates how you can use the drop-down menu on the Approvals Dashboard in QuoteValet Insight to filter between documents that need approval and which documents have had the approval request denied.
  • Using Windows Authentication to Login into QuoteWerks
    This video walks you through the simple setup of using Windows Authentication to log into QuoteWerks.
  • Licensing and Security Enhancements
    This video demonstrates how you can log users out of QuoteWerks in order to release a license for another user or terminate an installation to run the updates.
  • Drag and Drop Line Items
    This short video demonstrates how you can easily drag and drop single or multiple line items in QuoteWerks.
  • Adding & Registering License Keys
    This video will walk you through how to add new licenses to QuoteWerks and then request and register these new keys.
  • Creating & Managing Users
    This video will walk you through how to create, edit, and manage your QuoteWerks users.
  • Creating & Using Document Templates
    Create templates in QuoteWerks to simplify the process of creating quotes or to help introduce new users to QuoteWerks. Creating and using templates is easy, efficient, and only takes a few minutes to set up.
  • Document Approvals
    Never send out unauthorized documents again. Utilize QuoteWerks Document Approvals to ensure your documents are accurate, within margin, and management approved before sending them to clients.
  • Using Peer Reviews
    This video walks through how to use the QuoteWerks Peer Review to collaborate with other users in your installation. Users can post notes and offer suggestions on the document before it is delivered to the customer.
  • Group Price Override
    This short video will demonstrate how you can use Group Price Override to quickly and easily adjust the pricing of your bundles or groups to clean, round numbers without any complex calculations.
  • Search and Find
    Easily search and find any text, number, or data in a Document Items field in QuoteWerks! This video will demonstrate how easy it is to quickly and efficiently search and locate important data in your documents.
  • Email Templates
    How to customize and start using email templates in QuoteWerks. Learn how to add macros, create templates for individual users, use snippets, and more.
  • Show or Hide Grid Toolbar Icons
    This short video will demonstrate how you can show or hide specific features on the QuoteWerks Grid Toolbar. This per-user setting provides another excellent opportunity to customize QuoteWerks for your team.
  • Access Rights for Layouts, Cover Pages, and Literature
    Enable access rights on cover pages, layouts, and literature files. Choose which users and groups can view and modify these files. Streamline your Deliver Window for your users so only the files they need to see are visible.
  • Section Headers, Heading And Summary Lines
    In this video we go over the similarities and differences between Section Headers, Heading Lines and Summary Lines and how to add them to a document. They are powerful tools that help organize your quotes for your customers. They work together to create a cohesive and professional quote!
  • Product Price History
    In this video, we go over the Product Price History Features in QuoteWerks! The Product Price History window will display a list of documents that contain specific items and customers based on the search criteria.
  • Data Manager Overview
    In this video, we go over the explore the QuoteWerks Data Manager including the Export tab, providing insights into creating template DataSet files and comprehensive exports.

IT Industry Solutions

  • Etilize Product Content
    The QuoteWerks Product Content Subscription (powered by Etilize) provides customers in the IT industry with consumer friendly product descriptions, product images, and marketing descriptions.
  • Placing Electronic Orders - Overview
    In this video, we use the Purchasing window to place an order with our distributor, Tech Data, then send the Purchase Order to QuickBooks, and lastly we retrieve real-time order status shipping tracking and serial numbers..
  • QuoteWerks Procurement Tracking
    For Online Orders placed through QuoteWerks order status updates are available. You can see real-time order statuses including line item shipping status, estimated ship date, ship date, warehouse fulfillment locations, shipping tracking numbers, product serial numbers, and more.
  • Personalized Demo by our CEO
    While speaking with customers at IT Nation 2013, we found that most of our customers wanted help setting up and learning how to better use QuoteWerks. We also found that most of our customers didn't know about the solutions we've released over the last two years. Watch John's video to see what you don't know about QuoteWerks.
  • Dell Quote Importer
    Demonstrates how to use the QuoteWerks Quote Importer to import quotes emailed by your Dell sales rep, Dell Premier eQuotes that you create yourself, and even import a quote that you are working on via the Dell Premier Portal.
  • HP iQuote Importer
    Demonstrates how to use the QuoteWerks Quote Importer to import quotes you create on HP iQuote. HP iQuote is HP's channel sales and quotation cloud service that ensures order accuracy, improves the efficiency of presales teams and reduces the risk of error.
  • Cisco's Quick Pricing Tool (QPT) Importer
    Demonstrates how to use the QuoteWerks Quote Importer to import quotes that you create with Cisco's QPT utility. QPT ensures order accuracy, improving the efficiency of sales teams and reducing the risk of error.
  • Setting up Realtime Vendor and Content Subscription
    Demonstrates how to setup the Realtime Module with a distributor and Product Content Subscription
  • Using Network Assessments to Close more Deals
    Network Assessments are a great way to get your foot in the door with prospects and also a good way to add additional revenue from existing clients.
  • Purchasing Sourcing
    Demonstrates Purchasing Sourcing within QuoteWerks. A lot can happen in the 2 weeks between when you quote an item and when your customer wants to move forward with the order. Your cost can change, they don t have it in stock at your preferred warehouse anymore (so it s going to cost you more in shipping), or even worse, it is on back order for 3 weeks. With QuoteWerks, the real-time module, and the product content subscription, you can see all of your vendors at once with your pricing and availability before you place the order.
  • Free Shipping Minimums
    Demonstrates how to set free shipping minimums in QuoteWerks when using the electronic ordering or purchase order functionality within QuoteWerks.
  • Tech Data Quote Import - List and Retrieval
    See how easy it is to select a Tech Data Quote from a list and create a QuoteWerks Quote.
  • Ingram Micro Quote Import - List and Retrieval
    See how easy it is to select an Ingram Micro Quote from a list and create a QuoteWerks Quote.
  • Etilize Favorites, Folders, and the Workspace
    Watch this video to see how you can easily organize the items you sell from Etilize into folders and subfolders in your Public and My Favorites folders. Additionally, see how you can utilize the Workspace in Etilize to hold items for research or comparisons.

Pain Point Webinar Series

Watch our Pain Points Webinar Series, where we dive into common business challenges that companies face when creating quotes and proposals.

  •  Sourcing items from Vendors
    Sourcing items from Vendors
    With distributor and vendor integrations, the QuoteWerks Real-time Module and Product Content Subscription will make it easier for you to search for in-stock items at the best price.
  •   Obtaining Signed Agreements
    Obtaining Signed Agreements
    From your proposal getting stuck in SPAM, customers wanting changes in the document, waiting for the customer to print, sign and scan the document back, obtaining signatures can be difficult.
  • Chasing Customers for Payment
    Chasing Customers for Payment
    This webinar covers the pain point of chasing customers for payment collections. Your customer has signed and accepted the document, but days have gone by and you’re still waiting on payment. Does this sound familiar?
  • Tired of Creating Similar Quotes Over and Over?
    Tired of Creating Similar Quotes Over and Over?
    This webinar focuses on the challenges of creating new quotes. From creating the same quote repeatedly, starting from scratch or your sales reps don't know where to begin, quote creation can be time consuming.
  • Trouble Finding and Managing Your Quotes and Proposals?
    Trouble Finding and Managing Your Quotes and Proposals?
    This webinar focuses on finding and managing quotes and proposal documents. Many times it is difficult to find your previously created quotes and proposals and have to search all over the place. Even when you know the location of your documents, the sheer number of documents and items you need to go through can be challenging.
  •  Sending Quotes & Proposals Full of Errors
    Sending Quotes & Proposals Full of Errors?
    This webinar focuses on how you can utilize Peer Reviews and Document Approvals in QuoteWerks to reduce misquotes from the sales team and start sending error-free quotes today!
  • Losing Valuable Time Processing Routine Customer Re-orders
    Losing Valuable Time Processing Routine Customer Re-orders?
    This webinar will focus on the challenges of creating customer re-orders and creating quotes for the masses.
  •  Struggling to Standardize Sales Reps Quotes and Proposals?
    Struggling to Standardize Sales Reps Quotes and Proposals?
    This webinar tackles the pain of standardizing quotes and proposals across the organization.
  •  Spending Hours Retyping Vendor Quote Data Into Your Proposal?
    Spending Hours Retyping Vendor Quote Data Into Your Proposal?
    This webinar focuses on the challenges of entering external data from vendor quotes into your quote or proposal.
  •  Struggling to get an overview of your sales performance?
    Struggling to get an overview of your sales performance?
    This webinar demonstrates how you can utilize QuoteValet Insight to see sales metrics without complicated reports.
  •  Need to offer more flexible payment options?
    Need to offer more flexible payment options?
    This webinar focuses on how and why you need to be able to offer flexible payment options for your customers.
  • Having trouble keeping your team in the loop during the sales process?
    Having trouble keeping your team in the loop during the sales process?
    We discuss and demonstrate how to keep your entire team in the loop during the sales process.
  • Is your procurement process too complicated?
    Is your procurement process too complicated?
    We discuss and demonstrate how you can easily use the QuoteWerks Purchasing Module.
  • Do you feel limited and constrained when editing your quotes?
    Do you feel limited and constrained when editing your quotes?
    Learn how to leverage the efficiencies in the Quote Workbook including sorting, cost and price modifiers, drag-and-drop, multi-line updates, select special, and much more!


  • QuoteWerks Company and Contact Database Webinar
    QuoteWerks Company and Contact Database
    During this webinar we discussed the QuoteWerks built-in contact database and the addition of multiple contact support in Version 24 Build 3. We reviewed how to look up a company or contact, how to pull those contacts into a document, how to move and clone a contact, and best practices for managing multiple contacts.
  • QuoteWerks Version 24 Build 3 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 24 Build 3 Release
    In this webinar, we review the new features in v24 build 3. Some Highlight features include QuoteValet Multiple Signature Support (co-signing), QuoteWerks Built-In Contact Database: Multiple Contacts and Enhanced Contact Import, QuoteWerks Web: Procurement (Phase 1), QuoteWerks Web: Send Purchase Orders to PSA and Accounting (ConnectWise PSA, Autotask, and QuickBooks Online) similar to QuoteWerks Desktop, HubSpot CRM enhancements, New API Integrations for FedEx and UPS, New Access Rights, and much more.
  • Quoting with Lease Options: QuoteWerks Web and GreatAmerica | Webinar
    Quoting with Lease Options
    Discover how to transform your sales process and boost your bottom line. Join industry experts Justin Pickavance from GreatAmerica Financial Services and Brian Laufer from QuoteWerks for an in-depth look at the world of leasing and quoting. Learn how to seamlessly integrate leasing options into your sales strategy, create compelling quotes, and streamline your workflow with QuoteWerks Web.
  • QuoteWerks Version 24 Build 2 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 24 Build 2 Release
    In this webinar, we review the new features in v24 build 2. Some Highlight features include QuoteWerks Web Configurator Setup, USA Sales Tax Rate Lookup Enhancements, Ingram Micro JSON API for Real-time P & A, ConnectWise PSA Required Opportunity Fields, new QuickBooks Online 'Ship To' Customer options, and much more.
  • Workflow & Validations Third-Party Add-On Module Webinar
    Workflow & Validations Third-Party Add-On Module
    In the detailed webinar, you'll discover customizable automation features and how this third-party integration simplifies complex tasks such as approval routing and document generation, making your job a breeze. The robust validation rules engine ensures consistent compliance and features like real-time data validation swiftly identify errors, ensuring utmost accuracy in your quoting process.
  • QuoteWerks Version 24 Build 1 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 24 Build 1 Release
    In this webinar, QuoteWerks Vice President Brian Laufer introduced Version 24, which includes over 25 new features including Sales Tax, Address Verification, and more.
  • Quintadena's Advanced Excel Integration for QuoteWerks
    Advanced Excel Integration
    In this webinar, Quintadena showcased the seamless process of transferring product and line item details from Excel configurators to QuoteWerks.
  • QuoteWerks Version 23 B5 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 23 Build 5 Release
    In this webinar, we review the new features in QuoteWerks QuoteWerks v23 Build 5. These releases contain over 30 new features!
  • Integrate AI into your Quoting Process
    QuoteWerks ChatGPT Webinar
    During this webinar, we unveiled the remarkable collaboration between Hilltops IT and Prestige Quoting Ltd. that has revolutionized the way you interact with your quoting software by integrating AI into your Quoting Process.
  • QuoteWerks Web General Overview Webinar
    QuoteWerks Web Overview Webinar
    This webinar demonstrates the major features of QuoteWerks Web (as of June 2023) including Real-time and Etilize, QuoteValet, and much more. This video is a great overview of how easily QuoteWerks Web can be added to an existing QuoteWerks Desktop installation.
  • Third-Party Avalara Avatax Integration for QuoteWerks
    Avalara Integration by Hilltops IT
    In this webinar, we reviewed the features of the Avalara Avatax Integration for QuoteWerks by ConnectIt Software / Hilltops IT Consultancy Services, LTD.
  • QuoteWerks Version 23 B2 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 23 Build 2 Release
    In this webinar, we review the new features in QuoteWerks QuoteWerks v23 Build 2. These releases contain over 20 new features!
  • QuoteWerks Version 23 B1 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 23 Build 1 Release
    In this webinar, we review the new features in QuoteWerks QuoteWerks v23 Build 1. These releases contain over 35 new features!
  • QuoteWerks Version 5.7 B4 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 5.7 Builds 3 and 4 Release
    In this webinar, we review the new features in QuoteWerks QuoteWerks v5.7 Builds 3 and 4. These releases contain over 50 new features!
  • An Affordable Option to Close More Deals - Webinar
    In this webinar, we discuss offering Affordable Options to your customers to close more deals with QuoteWerks and GreatAmerica. We provide a live demo of how leasing works in QuoteWerks Desktop and QuoteWerks Web along with QuoteValet.
  • QuoteWerks Version 5.7 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 5.7 Release
    In this webinar, we review the new features in QuoteWerks QuoteWerks v5.7 Build 1. These releases contain over 30 new features including: VendorRFQ, Amazon Business Pricing, Zoho CRM Quotes and Products, Product Sourcing Panel, Reporting on POs, and much more!
  • Xero Accounting Integration to QuoteWerks
    Xero Accounting Integration
    Overview of Quintadena's Xero Accounting Integration to QuoteWerks. The enables the creation of Xero Customer (Receivable) Invoices and Supplier Purchase Orders at the click of a menu item from within QuoteWerks.
  •  QuoteWerks Version 5.6 Builds 4 & 5 Release
    QuoteWerks Version 5.6 Builds 4 & 5 Release
    QuoteWerks Version 5.6 Builds 4 & 5 are here! These releases include over 32 new features and 13 miscellaneous features. Hightlights include QuoteValet Auto-Calculations, UK Real-Time Partner: ProVu Communications, New Company Shortcuts and existing integration improvements.
  • Live Chat for QuoteValet
    Live Chat for QuoteValet
    Clients are demanding ever increasing levels of service and often expect very prompt responses. With Online Chat for QuoteValet, your clients can interact with your team in real-time.
  •   QuoteWerks Version 5.6 Builds 2 & 3 Release
    QuoteWerks Version 5.6 Builds 2 & 3 Release
    QuoteWerks Version 5.6 Builds 2 & 3 are here! These releases include over 49 new features and 18 miscellaneous features and provide new integrations including HubSpot CRM and existing integration improvements.
  • QuoteWerks Web General Overview Webinar
    QuoteWerks Web Overview Webinar (April 2020)
    This webinar demonstrated the major features of QuoteWerks Web (as of 2020) including Real-time and Etilize, QuoteValet, and much more. This video is a great overview of how easily QuoteWerks Web can be added to an existing QuoteWerks Desktop installation.
  • QuoteWerks Year in Review for 2020!
    QuoteWerks Year in Review for 2020!
    Start off 2021 by utilizing all the major features we released in 2020! During this webinar, we walk through the features that were added in the last year and how you can start using them to save time in 2021!
  •  QuoteWerks Version 5.6 Build 1 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 5.6 Release Webinar
    During this webinar, we introduce and demonstrate the newest features in QuoteWerks, Version 5.6! Our latest release includes new features such as Access Rights for layouts, covers, and literature documents, the ability to re-export POs, customizable grid toolbar buttons, new Tech Data and Synnex Quote importers, and much more!
  •  QuoteWerks and Kaseya BMS Integration Webinar
    QuoteWerks and Kaseya BMS Integration Webinar
    This webinar focuses on the QuoteWerks written integration into Kaseya BMS! We demonstrate how to use the integration and some steps you can take for setup to get the most out of your integration.
  •  Version 5.5 Build 5 Release Webinar
    Version 5.5 Build 5 Release Webinar
    This webinar focuses on the new features and how to use them in the latest version of QuoteWerks, Version 5.5 Build 5. This includes demonstrating the Ingram Micro Quote Importer, Kaseya BMS Integration, new Excel-like Grid Navigation, and much more!
  •  Close More Sales with QuoteValet Webinar
    Close More Sales with QuoteValet Webinar
    QuoteValet helps automate your sales process by making it significantly easier for your clients to sign, accept, and make payment on their quotes and proposals. This webinar will demonstrate how you can use QuoteValet with QuoteWerks to streamline your sales process even further.
  • QuoteWerks Year in Review for 2019
    QuoteWerks Year in Review for 2019
    In this webinar, we discussed and demonstrated the most notable features from 2019 and how you can start utilizing them in your installation. These included the new Amazon Business integration, the new QuoteValet File Share, Etilize Stock Check, and much more!
  • QuoteWerks Version 5.5 Release Webinar - CPQ
    QuoteWerks Version 5.5 Release Webinar
    This webinar walks through some of the major new features available in the latest release of QuoteWerks, Version 5.5 Build 1. See how to utilize our new QuoteValet File Sharing feature, utilize our totaling feature in deposits, dynamic folder additions for items, and much more.
  • QuoteWerks Web and Zoho CRM Integration - CPQ
    QuoteWerks Web and Zoho CRM Integration Webinar
    This webinar demonstrates the QuoteWerks Web features and how it seamlessly integrates with Zoho CRM
  • QuoteWerks Version 5.4 Build 7 Release Webinar - CPQ
    QuoteWerks Version 5.4 Build 7 Release Webinar
    This webinar walks through the major features released in QuoteWerks Version 5.4 Build 7 and how to use them in your installation including the new Etilize improvements, new ACT! integration, new email template features, and much more.
  • QuoteWerks Web and MS CRM Integration Webinar
    QuoteWerks Web and MS CRM Integration Webinar
    During this webinar, we demonstrated and walked through how to set up and start using the QuoteWerks integration with MS Dynamics CRM!
  • QuoteWerks and Zoho CRM Integration Webinar
    QuoteWerks and Zoho CRM Integration Webinar
    During this webinar, we demonstrated and walked through how to set up and start using the QuoteWerks integration with Zoho CRM!
  • QuoteWerks Version 5.4 Builds 2 and 3 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 5.4 Builds 2 and 3 Release Webinar
    Join us for our release webinar where we demonstrate the new features available in QuoteWerks Version 5.4 Builds 2 and 3 including our new Amazon Product Search, Zoho CRM integration, updated QuickBooks integration, Purchasing Enhancements, and much more!
  • QuoteWerks Year in Review for 2018
    QuoteWerks Year in Review for 2018! Webinar
    During this webinar, we walk through some of the major features in QuoteWerks that were released in 2018 and show you how easy it is to start using them in your installation to save time in 2019!
  • QuoteWerks Version 5.4 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 5.4 Release Webinar!
    This webinar walks through the major features released in QuoteWerks Version 5.4 including search and find, sort and organize, group bundle override, and much more!
  • Close more sales with QuoteValet!
    Close more sales with QuoteValet!
    During this webinar we walked through the available features in QuoteValet including, setting up options, posting comments, running reports, and much more.
  • QuoteWerks ConnectWise Manage Integration Webinar
    QuoteWerks Web: Salesforce.com Integration Webinar
    During this webinar, we demonstrated how to use QuoteWerks Web with salesforce.com to automate the creation and delivery of your sales quotes and proposals.
  • QuoteWerks ConnectWise Manage Integration Webinar
    ConnectWise Manage
    Are you evaluating QuoteWerks? Check out this short webinar where we demonstrate how QuoteWerks integrates with ConnectWise Manage, IT distributors, QuoteValet, and more!
  • QuoteWerks Introduction Webinar
    QuoteWerks Introduction
    Are you looking to streamline your sales process? Watch this 30-minute webinar where we demonstrate the time-saving features of QuoteWerks including our integrations with the IT Distributors, electronic delivery of documents, and even purchasing.
  • QuoteWerks Version 5.3 Build 4 Release Webinar
    QuoteWerks Version 5.3 Build 4 Release Webinar
    During this webinar, we demonstrated how to utilize the new features in Version 5.3 Build 4 including the new payment options, leasing features, updated integrations, ACH support, and much more!
  • QuoteWerks Web: Autotask Integration Webinar
    QuoteWerks Web: Autotask Integration Webinar
    During this webinar we demonstrated the integration between QuoteWerks Web and Autotask and we also covered the major functionality available in QuoteWerks Web.
  • QuoteWerks Web Launch Webinar
    QuoteWerks Web Launch Webinar
    Join us as we demonstrate live, QuoteWerks Web, the next evolution of QuoteWerks. We'll show you the available features and functionality and how easy it is to use! In this webinar we demonstrate QuoteWerks Web with ConnectWise. QuoteWerks Web integrates with other web-based CRMs/PSAs like Autotask, salesforce.com, MS Dynamics CRM, and others.
  • QuoteWerks Version 5.3 Build 3 Release Webinar!
    During this webinar we demonstrated some of the major features available in the latest release of QuoteWerks!
  • QuoteWerks Year in Review Webinar - 2017!
    During this hour long session we demonstrated some of the major new features released in QuoteWerks from 2017 and how they can be utilized to save you time in 2018!
  • QuoteWerks Version 5.3 Release Webinar
    During this webinar we demonstrated some of the major new features available in QuoteWerks Version 5.3!
  • QuoteWerks and QuickBooks Online Webinar
    During this webinar we demonstrated the available features between QuoteWerks and QuickBooks Online and answered questions from participants.
  • QuoteWerks Builds 6&8 Release Webinar!
    During this hour long session we discussed and demonstrated the new features and capabilities available in Version 5.2 Builds 6&8 including new QuoteValet video support, QuickBooks Online Support, Windows Authentication Login, and more!
  • QuoteWerks Real time and Product Content Subscription Etilize Webinar
    This webinar demonstrated the available features in the Real-time and Etilize integrations and how to utilize them to quickly search and retrieve items from distributors as well as the other available features including tax rate lookup, Dell Punchout integration, shipping estimates, and more.
  • QuoteWerks Year in Review for 2016! Webinar
    Did you miss any of the new features released in 2016? No worries! During this hour long session we demonstrated the major new features released in 2016 and how they can save your company time and money in 2017!
  • QuoteWerks Version 5 2 Release Webinar
    During this hour long webinar we demonstrated the new features available in QuoteWerks v5.2 and how to use these in your current installation. From Etilize upgrades to new licensing enhancements, this latest release has something for everyone.
  • Webinar: Create As-A-Service Quotes with QuoteWerks and GreatAmerica
    During this webinar we discuss the changing landscape of displaying quotes and proposals as a single monthly payment to simplify the sales process for the customer. This webinar will demonstrate exactly how this can be done in QuoteWerks utilizing our leasing functionality.
  • New QuoteWerks Etilize Features Webinar
    During this webinar we offered a sneak peak into the new QuoteWerks features available for Product Content Subscribers in V5.1 Build 6 as well as a recap of the key features released over the previous 12 months.
  • QuoteWerks Dell Punchout Integration Webinar
    Knockout your Dell quotes and orders with the QuoteWerks Punchout Integration. Quickly and easily create order requisitions in the Dell Premier site and import them into QuoteWerks to deliver to your client and then process the order from within QuoteWerks.
  • Deliver, Collaborate, and Close with QuoteValet [Webinar]
    In this webinar, learn to utilize QuoteValet to quickly and efficiently create, deliver, and close more sales while simultaneously tracking customer interactions, acceptances, and payments in a fully integrated system.
  • 2015 QuoteWerks Year in Review Webinar
    During this hour long session we demonstrated some of the major features we released in 2015 and how you can leverage them in your installation for 2016!
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks and ConnectBooster
    How Your MSP Can Win More Deals, and Attract More IT Clients, Through a Marquee Quoting Tool
  • QuoteWerks Enhanced and Upgraded Etilize Integration Webinar
    During this hour long session we discussed the available security features and how to use them for individual users, groups, and even product sources to restrict and customize your system.
  • QuoteWerks Enhanced and Upgraded Etilize Integration Webinar
    This webinar demonstrates the new Product Content Functionality introduced in v5.0 Build 4. This release dramatically speeds up the real-time calls to distributors, enables you to narrow your search results, adds compare functionality for Etilize Products, and adds upsell/similar items.
  • Webinar: Deliver, Collaborate, and Close with QuoteValet
    Watch this webinar to see how QuoteValet can save time, track your customer interactions, and help you close more sales by simplifying the acceptance and purchasing of your quotes and proposals through QuoteValet.
  • Webinar: 5 Ways to Update Your Proposals to Close More Business
    Watch this webinar to see how you can use QuoteWerks to simplify your quotes by offering lease payment options to your customer. GreatAmerica discusses the benefits of leasing and we demonstrate how to offer these options seamlessly and easily in QuoteWerks
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks Year in Review for 2014!
    Did you miss any of the time saving features QuoteWerks released over the past year? Join us for this webinar where we will discuss and demonstrate the major features released in 2014 and how you can use them to save time in 2015!
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks Overview Presentation
    This QuoteWerks Webinar focuses on the overall use of QuoteWerks. We demonstrate how to select contacts, add items (including using our IT Distributor integrations) from product sources, how to deliver the quote/proposal to the customer using QuoteValet and via email, how to export to QuickBooks or Sage 50, and finally how to create purchase orders and track items inside of QuoteWerks. This webinar is a great training tool for anyone evaluating QuoteWerks to see why it is a complete solution.
  • Webinar: The QuoteWerks Links Tab
    Did you know you can create a proposal document directly from the Links tab? Did you know you can attach documents to share with other QuoteWerks users? In this webinar, we discuss the capabilities of the QuoteWerks Links tab. We'll show you how to create proposals, use templates, email documents and more all from the Links tab!
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks and ConnectWise
    In this webinar, we demonstrate the available features and functionality between QuoteWerks and ConnectWise. During the last several months we have greatly expanded our integration into ConnectWise where we have added PO support, contact creation support, increased ticket functionality, and much more!
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks and QuickBooks
    In this webinar, we focus on the integration between QuoteWerks and QuickBooks. During this webinar we demonstrate the available features between QuoteWerks and QuickBooks including product support, document creation in QuickBooks, Purchasing support, and more!
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks Purchasing Module
    This QuoteWerks webinar provides an overview of the QuoteWerks Purchasing and Procurement features.
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks and Autotask Integration
    This QuoteWerks webinar provides an overview of the QuoteWerks integration with Autotask.
  • Webinar: QuoteValet and QuoteValet Web
    This QuoteWerks webinar provides an overview of QuoteValet and QuoteValet Web.
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks Integration Features with Tech Data
    This webinar will covers the QuoteWerks integration features with Tech Data. Also joining us is Ryan McKenzie, Sr. eBusiness Specalist with Tech Data.
  • Webinar: Pricing and Packaging Strategies to Dramatically Increase Recurring Revenue
    Gary Pica of TruMethods along with Brian Laufer of QuoteWerks will share proven methods for pricing and packaging your IT service offerings. If you're recurring revenue is not increasing each and every month you need to hear what Gary has to say.
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks Integration with salesforce.com
    This webinar provides an overview of the QuoteWerks integration with salesforce.com.
  • Webinar: QuoteWerks Support and Training Options
    This webinar discusses the various training and support options QuoteWerks offers all of our customers.
  • Webinar: Learn How to Handle Clients Who Don't Pay
    QuoteWerks has coordinated with The ASCII Group to have one of their community experts - Ken Galenza, a 27+ year credit and collections veteran, speak on the subject. In this webinar, we tackle the topic of cash flow and collections - the do's and don'ts. It's vital for every company to create a process for receivables on how to handle clients are who late in paying their bills. This is a situation nearly every business faces at one time or another, and Ken will show you a receivables system you can put in place as well as timelines and tips on how to broach the subject when you have a late-paying client.
  • Webinar: Ramp Up Your IT Services Sales with Autotask & QuoteWerks
    The combination of QuoteWerks and Autotask makes it simpler to provide estimates and proposals to prospective customers, combine sales quotes with business development opportunities in the pipeline, create orders and service tickets within Autotask, and gain visibility into revenue streams from products, services, managed services, and other sources. Len DiCostanzo, Autotask's SVP of Community & Biz Dev, and Brian Laufer, Vice Prseident at QuoteWerks, discussed on April 30th 2014 their respective solutions and how to get the most out of utilizing them in harmony. Thomas Clancy, Founder & VP of Sales for Valiant Technology, provides input from an MSP utilizing both Autotask & QuoteWerks to grow his business.
  • QuoteWerks Sales Rep Training - March 2014
    This webinar provides an overview of QuoteWerks and QuoteValet from the sales rep perspective. We step through all of the QuoteWerks tabs and toolbar buttons. We then create a quote from start to finish with Product Content, Heading Lines, QuoteValet, etc. We also touch on QuoteValet Web at the end of the webinar.
  • QuoteWerks Sales Rep Training - Feb 2014
    This webinar provides an overview of QuoteWerks and QuoteValet from the sales rep perspective. We step through all of the QuoteWerks tabs and toolbar buttons. We then create a quote from start to finish with Product Content, Heading Lines, QuoteValet, etc. We also touch on QuoteValet Web and answer questions at the end of the webinar.

Customer Testimonials

View customer testimonial videos on our Customer Testimonials page.

Tips & Tricks

View our tips & videos on our Tips and Tricks Playlist on YouTube.

Training Class Recordings

We record these classes to benefit not only the classroom attendees, but also the entire QuoteWerks community. Each class covers the same material outline, but different questions are asked which can direct the content to go more in depth or cover even more information. See the Recordings

Videos by the QuoteWerks Community

  • QuoteValet in 2 minutes
    By Matt Rose from Quintadena, Ltd. the 2006-2012 QuoteWerks WorldWide Number 1 Solution Partner.
  • QuoteValet 10-minute Tour
    By Matt Rose from Quintadena, Ltd. the 2006-2012 QuoteWerks WorldWide Number 1 Solution Partner.
  • QuoteValet Dashboard
    By Matt Rose from Quintadena, Ltd. the 2006-2012 QuoteWerks WorldWide Number 1 Solution Partner.
  • QuoteValet Mobile
    By Matt Rose from Quintadena, Ltd. the 2006-2012 QuoteWerks WorldWide Number 1 Solution Partner. Covers creating a QuoteValet Mobile quote and retrieving it into your QuoteWerks installation.
  • QuoteValet Template Editing
    By Matt Rose from Quintadena, Ltd. the 2006-2012 QuoteWerks WorldWide Number 1 Solution Partner. Covers modifying the QuoteValet Page that the customer sees.
  • QuoteValet Payment Processing
    By Matt Rose from Quintadena, Ltd. the 2006-2012 QuoteWerks WorldWide Number 1 Solution Partner. Covers QuoteValet payment processing including using deposit request feature from the customer and sales rep perspective.
  • Linking Files on Resources tab
    By Matt Rose from Quintadena, Ltd. the 2006-2012 QuoteWerks WorldWide Number 1 Solution Partner. Covers how to use the Resources tab in the Quote WorkBook to link to files and websites. Also includes how to merge word documents from this tab.
  • HP eConfigure Paste Special Integration
    By Matt Rose from Quintadena, Ltd. the 2006-2012 QuoteWerks WorldWide Number 1 Solution Partner.
  • Importing Dell Quote from Website
    By Matt Rose from Quintadena, Ltd. the 2006-2012 QuoteWerks WorldWide Number 1 Solution Partner. Covers importing a Dell quote from the Dell website using the Paste Special Wizard. The same process can be used to import quotes from other websites.