
QuoteWerks Reckon Accounts Desktop Integration

  • See how QuoteWerks integrates with Autotask
    QuickBooks Integration
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks integration with QuickBooks.
  • QuickBooks Integration Setup
    Demonstrates how to setup and configure the QuoteWerks QuickBooks Accounting Integration.
  • QuickBooks PO Integration
    Demonstrates the QuoteWerks PO integration with QuickBooks.
QuoteWerks is an Reckon Partner

Reckon, an Australian company, was Intuit's Distributor of QuickBooks in Australia. In 2014, Reckon's relationship with Intuit, Inc. ended and they could no longer use the QuickBooks® brand. Reckon purchased a branch of the QuickBooks source code and rebranded the product as Reckon Accounts Desktop.

QuoteWerks integrates with Reckon Accounts Desktop the same way it integrates with QuickBooks Desktop.


Reckon Accounts Desktop 2017 is supported in the following Editions:

  • Reckon Accounts ACCOUNTING
  • Reckon Accounts PLUS
  • Reckon Accounts PREMIER
  • Reckon Accounts ENTERPRISE

Reckon Accounts Hosted and Reckon One are not supported.

Looking for the QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Desktop integration?

QuoteWerks Edition Requirements

The QuoteWerks Reckon Accounts Desktop integration is only available in the Professional Edition of QuoteWerks and higher.

How QuoteWerks Integrates with Reckon Accounts

View screenshots of the QuoteWerks to Reckon Accounts / QuickBooks link.

Use Reckon Accounts Customer Information in your quote

QuoteWerks can search Reckon Accounts for contacts to be used on Quotes.

Use Reckon Accounts Item List to add items to your quote

QuoteWerks can link to and search the Reckon Accounts item list, so you can add Reckon Accounts items to your quote.

Creates Reckon Accounts Estimates, Sales Orders, and Invoices

Exports your QuoteWerks documents to Reckon Accounts estimates, sales orders, or invoices one at a time, or in batches. When selling the same Item outright versus accepting monthly payments for the Item, QuoteWerks can automatically associate them with different income and asset accounts in Reckon Accounts. When the document is exported, you can set a default tax item name to use with all exported documents, or you can be prompted to select the tax item name for each document exported. Reckon Accounts custom fields are supported.

Creates Reckon Accounts Purchase Orders

Exports your Purchase Orders to Reckon Accounts.  You can quickly see all of the unordered items in QuoteWerks and can easily create Reckon Accounts Purchase Orders that contain items from one or multiple Orders in QuoteWerks.  Items that do not exist in Reckon Accounts will be created, and the Reckon Accounts Purchase Order number will be written back into the line items from the orders. Additionally if you are using the Online Ordering feature of the real-time module, after the items are ordered you will be asked if you want to create a Purchase Order in Reckon Accounts for the items you just ordered electronically through distribution.  When selling the same Item outright versus accepting monthly payments for the Item, QuoteWerks can automatically associate them with different income and asset accounts in Reckon Accounts.

Creates Reckon Accounts Item Receipts

Creates Item Receipts in Reckon Accounts when receiving items on the QuoteWerks Purchasing window.

Creates Reckon Accounts Customers

If the customer in the QuoteWerks document does not exist in Reckon Accounts, it will be automatically created. If the customer already exists in Reckon Accounts, the customer information can be optionally updated automatically.  Reckon Accounts custom fields are supported.

Creates Reckon Accounts Items

If items/parts in the QuoteWerks document do not exist in Reckon Accounts, you will be prompted to select the type of item it is (Inventory, Non-inventory, or Service), and you will be prompted to select the income/expense account to be associated with this new item. When QuoteWerks creates Items in Reckon Accounts, it populates most of the fields you typically use like the Preferred Vendor field.   If you use your own part numbers in Reckon Accounts instead of manufacturer part numbers, QuoteWerks can work with your system, even helping you auto-generate your own proprietary Reckon Accounts part numbers.  Reckon Accounts custom fields are supported.

Creates Reckon Accounts Terms, ShipVia, etc

If other details such as terms and ship via do not exist in Reckon Accounts, they are automatically created.

Export batches of documents to Reckon Accounts

Documents exported to Reckon Accounts are marked as exported so you will know which documents have been exported, and which have not.

I already use Reckon Accounts, how will QuoteWerks complement Reckon Accounts?

While there is cross-over in the functionality of QuoteWerks and Reckon Accounts, they are considered complementary products, not competing products. QuoteWerks software is the link between contact managers and accounting software. It was designed to allow each of the respective software product do what they do best. Accounting software supports receivables, payables, purchasing, inventory management, asset management and payroll. Contact management software allows you to manage your customers, leads, and marketing just to name a few. QuoteWerks on the other hand employs both. It enables you to utilize information stored about a customer in your CRM package to generate a sales quote that can be exported to your accounting software for purchasing, invoicing, and receivables.

Quoting software is used by companies that do not want to flood their accounting software with part numbers and quotes that may never be used or become orders. Another reason for using quoting software is for larger offices that have many sales people, and do not want all of the sales people using the accounting software for two reasons. First accounting software licenses are generally more expensive than quoting software licenses, and secondly, there are security issues relating to lots of sales reps having access to your accounting software. Quoting software is also more flexible in terms of tweaking profit margin, more pricing models, links to other software such as contact managers etc.

Quoting software has a specific niche of its own that fills in the quoting gaps left behind by CRM and accounting software. There are many reasons why not to use your accounting software for creating price quotes.

The following is a list of reasons to use QuoteWerks instead of Reckon Accounts for your quoting needs. It is not to say anything negative about Reckon Accounts. In fact, in our opinion Reckon Accounts is a fantastic accounting package (we use it internally), but is simply not a good quoting solution as compared to QuoteWerks.

QuoteWerks links with Contact Management Software. With these links you can easily pull your prospect name and contact information into the quote and when the quote becomes an order QuoteWerks will create that new customer in Reckon Accounts eliminating any re-typing of data. Also, the links write data back to the contact manager such as a follow up call and sales opportunity forecasting. Reckon Accounts does not write back to the contact manager, nor does it offer the level of integration that QuoteWerks does.

Don't clutter Reckon Accounts with items you didn't sell
In Reckon Accounts before you can quote an item to a customer you have to create that item in Reckon Accounts. Creating the item in Reckon Accounts requires that you specify a part number, description, income account, cost, price, etc. Then if the quote/estimate does not become and order, this item stays in Reckon Accounts cluttering your item list. 

In QuoteWerks, you do not have to create an item before you quote it. Additionally, when the quote becomes an order, QuoteWerks will create the item in Reckon Accounts for you using the description, part numbers, costs, and prices used in the order.

Print Pictures
Include pictures of products in the quote.

Print Spec Sheets
Include spec sheets for products in the quote.

Unlimited number of users
With QuoteWerks a virtually unlimited number of users can be using QuoteWerks across the network at the same time. Reckon Accounts supports a maximum of only 10-users running Reckon Accounts at the same time and in many cases only enables one user to access an area of Reckon Accounts at the same time.

Reckon Accounts has a combined limit of 14,500 customer, products, vendors, and employees (sales reps). The limit of the Enterprise Edition of Reckon Accounts is 29,000. Once you reach the limit, you would have to delete products and any documents the items appeared on before you can quote new items. QuoteWerks does not have any limits on the number of customers/prospects, products, or vendors it supports.

Supports 9 pricing methods
QuoteWerks supports 9 different pricing methods including Markup, Discount, Gross Margin, Volume based, List, Formula, Fixed, Customer Price Levels, and Customer/Product price matrix. Reckon Accounts allows for only a few pricing methods.

Supports Required Items
QuoteWerks has the ability to specify required items. For instance, when you add Part A, QuoteWerks will also add Part B, Part C, and Part D because they are a requirement of Part A. Reckon Accounts does not offer this functionality. You can also specify substitute and optional items.

Has a Configurator
QuoteWerks offers a visual Configurator that will allow you to systematically build your product and add it to a document.

QuoteWerks enables remote sales reps to create quotes and synchronize them back to the main office where they can be imported into the primary database. Reckon Accounts has no support for remote users or offices creating quotes/estimates.

Robust security
QuoteWerks offers a complete security package for quoting needs. You can limit which menus are available, the ability to modify products, layouts, reports, etc., and access to other users documents. Reckon Accounts security features are very basic in the sense you can either provide access or not. You do not have many options.

QuoteWerks has links to the pricing databases of PC Industry distributors D&H, Ingram Micro, SYNNEX, and Tech Data. Additionally, QuoteWerks can get Real-Time Pricing & Availability from D&H, Ingram Micro, SYNNEX and Tech Data® extending the reach of how far a bridge QuoteWerks can create between the outside world and Reckon Accounts itself.

Track commissions
Run reports on commissions and display the commission for each quote/order on the quote.

Compare prices across vendors
QuoteWerks has the ability to compare item prices between vendors and show the best price.. The tool will also allow you to specify which vendor(s) to search on. Reckon Accounts does not offer this tool.

More control over each item in the quote
QuoteWerks can easily hide the prices of certain items in a document. You can specify what an items print properties are through an item attribute menu. Reckon Accounts does not offer this functionality.

Document Automation
QuoteWerks provides many document automation features. It enables you to very easily select and combine cover sheets, spec sheets, and literature documents that support the quote for simple delivery of the quote by print or by e-mail. Reckon Accounts does not support these features.

Customer product price histories
QuoteWerks enables you to easily view a part/item price history as well as a customer's part/item price history when adding the item to the quote.

Visually organize products
QuoteWerks enables you to organize and view your products in multi-level folder trees. Reckon Accounts only displays the product list in a straight list format.

Easily see your profit margin
QuoteWerks can easily calculate your profit margin per quote, order, and invoice, and is readily available. Reckon Accounts does not show profit margin very easily. Normally you would need to run a report to get this information.

Quote in international currencies
QuoteWerks can easily calculate your profit margin per quote, order, and invoice, and is readily available. Reckon Accounts does not show profit margin very easily. Normally you would need to run a report to get this information.

and much, much more!

What does the Reckon Accounts link cost?

The Reckon Accounts integration is included in the Professional and Corporate Editions.

If I purchase a multiple-user license of QuoteWerks, do I need to buy multiple copies of the Reckon Accounts link?

No. You only need to have the Professional or Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks no matter how many users you have at that site.

Can I get a demo version of the Reckon Accounts link?

Yes. The Reckon Accounts link can be evaluated using the demo version of QuoteWerks. You can use the Reckon Accounts link by selecting the Tools->Export to QuickBooks menu in QuoteWerks. You can download the demo version of QuoteWerks by clicking here. How to setup and use the Reckon Accounts link is documented in the QuoteWerks Help File accessed by selecting the QuoteWerks Help->QuoteWerks Help.