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Version 5.6 Build 2.07 Summary
30 New, 20 Fixes, and 6 Miscellaneous features Released on 02/15/2021
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New Features - Build 2
 1. OAuth 2.0 Authentication is now supported when sending emails through Gmail/GSuite mail servers. [Service Release: 2.07]

 2. OAuth 2.0 Authentication is now supported when sending emails via SMTP through the Microsoft Office 365 mail server. [Service Release: 2.07]

 3. OAuth 2.0 Authentication is now supported when sending emails via SMTP through a Microsoft Live mail server. Microsoft Live mail servers host email addresses ending in '@hotmail.com', '@live.com', and '@outlook.com'. [Service Release: 2.07]

 4. Added MAPI support for sending emails. This will send emails created in QuoteWerks via the default Windows Mail Client. A limitation of the MAPI protocol is that the message body in an email can only be plain text - not HTML. There is a setup option to display the email in the email client before sending the email. MAPI support is useful for those that do not use Outlook and do not want to send via SMTP - like Groupwise and Thunderbird. [Service Release: 2.07]

 5. For Product Content Subscribers, when searching Etilize or using the Etilize Panel with the Multiple Database Search via the Product Lookup window, you can now choose to also have Native and External Product Data Sources also searched for the same product and the results will be displayed along with the returned real-time vendor results. The Manufacturer Part Number is used to find the product. If a product is not returned from Etilize or the PartLocator, a Product Data Source search will not occur. On the Product Content Subscription tab of the Real-time setup window, the QuoteWerks Administrator can specify which Product Data Sources to use with the Etilize Search, this setting is a site wide setting. [Service Release: 2.07]

 6. For Kaseya BMS users, you can now create a new Kaseya BMS Company and Contact record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the Contact field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from Kaseya BMS. Also, the Company, Contact, Email, and Phone fields must be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Service Release: 2.07]

 7. For QuickBooks Online users, if the option to "[ ] Convert grouped items to single item" is not set on the Mappings.Items tab of the QuickBooks Setup window, and the new option "[] Include Group Header as a Comment when not converting grouped items into a Single Item." is set, the description of the Group Header line will be inserted as a comment line above the group member lines when exported to QuickBooks. [Service Release: 2.07]

 8. For QuickBooks Online users, when exporting to QuickBooks, if the option to "[x] Convert grouped items to single item" was set on the Mappings.Items tab of the QuickBooks Setup window, and the new option "[x] Include Group Items as Comments" is set, then the descriptions of all the group member line items will be added as comment lines below the group header line when exported to QuickBooks. [Service Release: 2.07]

 9. For Ingram Micro users that use the Quote Importer, the Ingram Micro Quote Number, Expiration Date, and the Line Item Comments can now be mapped to the imported QuoteWerks line item's CustomText or CustomMemo fields. [Service Release: 2.07]

 10. For Tech Data users that use the Quote Importer (including the Cisco Quote Importer), the Tech Data Quote Number and Expiration Date can now be mapped to the imported QuoteWerks line item's CustomText or CustomMemo fields. [Service Release: 2.07]

 11. For SYNNEX users that use the Quote Importer, the SYNNEX Quote Number can now be mapped to the imported QuoteWerks line item's CustomText or CustomMemo fields. [Service Release: 2.07]

 12. For ConnectWise Manage Users, there are new options on the ConnectWise Setup Window to include all Document Attachments and include all Notes from the Opportunity when converting a ConnectWise Opportunity to a ConnectWise Service Ticket. This does not affect creating one off Service Tickets in ConnectWise. [Service Release: 2.07]

 13. For Zoho users, there is now a "View Sold to" link on the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook that you can click to view the Contact in Zoho CRM. [Service Release: 2.07]

 14. For Zoho users, if two words are entered when doing a Name search on the Lookup window, a match with the first word for the first name and the second word for the last name will be used. [Service Release: 2.07]

 15. For Zoho users, you can now create a new Zoho Company and Contact record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the Contact field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from Zoho. Also, the Company, and Contact must be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Service Release: 2.07]

 16. For MS CRM users, the tax amount now comes over for a line item on a Quote. [Service Release: 2.07]

 17. For MS CRM users, if you select a different contact for an existing Opportunity, you are now given the option to clear out the existing Opportunity link data. [Service Release: 2.07]

 18. For MS CRM users, you can now choose the Status for new Opportunities. The default Status can be set with the MSCRMOppStatusCodeOpen setting. [Service Release: 2.07]

 19. For MS CRM users, you can choose the owner of an Opportunity on the Create Opportunity window in QuoteWerks. [Service Release: 2.07]

 20. For MS CRM users, you can choose the default owner for an Opportunity in the MS CRM Setup Window. The Owner can either be the logged in user or the Sales Rep. The Sales Rep name must match the MS CRM user name to be selected. [Service Release: 2.07]

 21. For SugarCRM users, a Call will now be saved to a contact if an account is not selected. [Service Release: 2.07]

 22. For SugarCRM users, there is now a "View Call" link on the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook that you can click to view the Call in SugarCRM. [Service Release: 2.07]

 23. For SugarCRM users, there is now a "View Opportunity" link on the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook that you can click to view the Opportunity in SugarCRM. [Service Release: 2.07]

 24. For SugarCRM users, there is now a "View SoldTo" link on the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook that you can click to view the Contact in SugarCRM. [Service Release: 2.07]

 25. For SugarCRM users, files can now be attached to opportunities from the Opportunity creation window. [Service Release: 2.07]

 26. For SugarCRM users, Opportunities can now have their name set by the user. [Service Release: 2.07]

 27. For SugarCRM users, the SugarCRM connection will be reconnected automatically if the session is expired. [Service Release: 2.07]

 28. For Maximizer CRM users, Enum fields in Maximizer CRM are now supported in the QuoteWerks DataLink. [Service Release: 2.07]

 29. When entering a PO NUmber when creating an Online Order or a Manual PO, you will now be warned if you are entering a PO number that already exists in QuoteWerks. It is not recommended to use the same PO Number for multiple purchase orders. [Service Release: 2.07]

 30. SugarCRM 10.3 is now supported! [Service Release: 2.07]

Misc Features - Build 2
 1. Removed support for SalesLogix/Infor CRM version 5.0, 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 7.0. [Service Release: 2.07]

 2. For SugarCRM users, when doing a contact search for the fields name, contact first name, contact last name, and account name, it will now be a "Contains" search. [Service Release: 2.07]

 3. For SugarCRM users, the SugarCRM QuoteWerks forms were moved to .NET framework. [Service Release: 2.07]

 4. Implemented better error messaging for when credentials not entered for OpenIceCat [Service Release: 2.07]

 5. For Tech Data Users, implemented better error messaging when an unknown Tech Data Excel file import error is encountered. [Service Release: 2.07]

 6. When an order type document is open in QuoteWerks and you open the Purchasing window, the "Currently Open Order" scope will be set in the filter on the Purchasing tab. When this is set, and the [Place Online Order->Create PO] button is clicked, the PONumber for the online order would default to, for example, POAAAO1244, where "AAAO1244" was the document number that is currently open. Now, it will default to being empty. This change makes this now consistent with the behaviour when selecting items from multiple order documents where the PONumber starts out blank and then you press the [...] button to obtain the next PONumber. Under the Utilities->Vendor Maintenance when editing a vendor you can specify a "Vendor PO Prefix/suffix" field. It can be a maximum of 3 characters, so for "Tech Data" you can specify "TD" and then the auto generated next po number for a Tech Data online order would be, for example, 20-1534TD. If QuoteWerks is configured to export purchase orders to QuickBooks, Peachtree, or ConnectWise, this same PO number will be used when creating the purchase order in the accounting software. You will want to reset the unique numeric sequence each year and this can be done on the Installation tab of the Tools->Options menu. The short nature of the PO number format takes into account that QuickBooks has a very small 11 character max po number and Ingram Micro being the next at 18 characters. [Service Release: 2.07]

Fixes - Build 2
 1. For Kaseya BMS Users, when creating or updating an Activity in QuoteWerks for Kaseya BMS, if the Cancel button was clicked, the Activity would still be created or updated. [Service Release: 2.07]

 2. For QuickBooks Online users, when exporting a Purchase Order to QuickBooks Online and using a Macro for the QuickBooks Item Name, the macro was not being evaluated and QuoteWerks would attempt to create a new QuickBooks Online Item with a blank Item Name. [Service Release: 2.07]

 3. For SugarCRM users, when a Contact was selected for the SoldTo instead of an Account, when you saved the quote, an error would be displayed, and the DTF file would not be saved. [Service Release: 2.07]

 4. For SugarCRM users, the 'Test' button on the Contact Manager Setup window was not working correctly for the URL. [Service Release: 2.07]

 5. For SugarCRM users, the DataLink would not work for a Contact type if no Account was associated with it. [Service Release: 2.07]

 6. For Salesforce users, when a user without login credentials clicks on a "View" link on the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook, they would receive several login errors. [Service Release: 2.07]

 7. For Salesforce users, multiline field values in Salesforce were coming over as a single line when using DataLink. [Service Release: 2.07]

 8. For MS CRM users, you were not able to Authenticate a different MS CRM user if you went to that user's preferences through the User Maintenance window. [Service Release: 2.07]

 9. For Maximizer CRM users, when creating an Opportunity, the DTF file was not getting attached. [Service Release: 2.07]

 10. When placing an Online Order, the ShipTo information was not getting saved into the QuoteWerks Purchase Order. [Service Release: 2.07]

 11. QuoteWerks was only supporting a maximum of 1000 windows users for Active Directory login. [Service Release: 2.07]

 12. For Goldmine users, if when searching for a contact, if "User Contact currently displayed in Goldmine" was selected, any changes to the "Also Display secondary Contacts" checkbox would not be remembered. [Service Release: 2.07]

 13. If a user with the Misc Access right CannotManuallyModifyFieldValue:DI_ManufacturerPartNumber set, uses the ManufacturerPartNumber column drop down list on the Document Items tab of the Quote WorkBook, then types changes into that ManufacturerPartNumber cell, and then tabs away from the cell would receive "Run Time Error '381': Invalid property array index" error. [Service Release: 2.07]

 14. For MS CRM users, if a '/' was not at the end of the Server/URL field on the Contact Manager MS CRM Setup window, users would receive an error if there was no activity with MS CRM for over an hour when attempting to re-connect. [Service Release: 2.07]

 15. For Zoho CRM users, after pulling in a contact and a Zoho Datalink is present, there would be an error. [Service Release: 2.07]

 16. If no Open Icecat credentials have been specified, the Tools->Get Real-time Product Content menu was visible. Same for the Product Lookup right click menu for Open Icecat. [Service Release: 2.07]

 17. For QuickBooks Desktop users received error about '' MajorVersion. [Service Release: 2.07]

 18. When sending an email, in rare cases QuoteWerks would become non-responsive. [Service Release: 2.07]

 19. For QuickBooks Online users, the Tax Code for "Convert Grouped Items to a Single Item" was not used when sending a Grouped Item to QuickBooks Online. The Single Item representation of the Group Header Item would always be a non-table status. [Service Release: 2.07]

 20. For Kaseya BMS users, when searching for Kaseya BMS products from the Product Lookup window in QuoteWerks, if the search parameter(s) contained special characters (like ‘#’ or ’%’ as examples), an error would be returned from Kaseya BMS containing “There is an unterminated string literal”. [Service Release: 2.07]