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Version 3.0 Build 23 Summary
3 New, 3 Fixes, and 3 Miscellaneous features Released on 04/23/2002
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New Features - Build 23
 1. The primary license key entered into a QuoteWerks installation can now be removed. This makes it easier to remove and add remote pc and remote site license keys from existing installations in instances where you want to increase the number of licenses at a remote site install, or when a remote PC installation of QuoteWerks is now owned by a different user.

 2. There is now a popup menu Copy All to Clipboard for the License Key list in the License Manager window. This is useful for exporting the license key information out so that you can maintain a list of your license keys for your files.

 3. The File|Export to Document Transport File wizard now has an option to export all documents owned by a specific salesrep.

Misc Features - Build 23
 1. Improved the status message content for refreshing with best prices.

 2. Improved performance when retrieving contact information from large SalesLogix databases.

 3. When checking a checkbox in the list controls, that item will now be selected automatically.

Fixes - Build 23
 1. When a SalesLogix attachment path detected by QuoteWerks was invalid, QuoteWerks would not display the the invalid path for reference purposes.

 2. The Converted To default DocStatus for Orders and Invoices specified on the Installation tab of the Tools|Options menu were reversed. Converted orders would use the converted to invoice DocStatus and vica-versa.

 3. When searching for a phone number in GoldMine 5.5 or later using QuoteWerks, the contact was not found.