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Version: 4.5    Build: 4    Release Date: 04/07/2010     Type: New     View All Features in Build
Recurring Revenue support. Now, you can use the Line Item Attributes to specify if a line item is recurring revenue like a Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual fee. You can set if you want the first month's fee to be due up front or not. You can easily run management reports to see how much Monthly revenue is forecasted based on these recurring revenue items. You can also filter these reports to see when various monthly contract periods are ending, so that you can contact your customers for renewals, etc. Often in a quote, you may have one line item with an Annual recurring revenue and another with a Monthly recurring revenue. Rather than having to individually specify the start and end date for both of these line items, you can just set the ContractStartDate and ContractEndDate on the Sale Info tab and that can be used for both line items. The RecurringBillingCycle, RecurringStartDate and RecurringEndDate columns will be available on the Document Items tab. You have access to all this recurring information in the print layout with the following DocumentItem fields: &LineAttributeIsRecurring, RecurringBillingCycle, RecurringFirstPaymentIncluded, &RecurringRevenueWeekly, &RecurringRevenueMonthly, &RecurringRevenueQuarterly, &RecurringRevenueAnnual. Additionally, there are document level DocumentHeader macros of &RecurringRevenueWeeklySubtotal, &RecurringRevenueMonthlySubtotal, &RecurringRevenueQuarterlySubtotal, and &RecurringRevenueAnnualSubtotal.

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Version: 4.5    Build: 4    Release Date: 04/07/2010     Type: New     View All Features in Build
ConnectWise 2010 is now supported with new built-in ConnectWise link. This new integration is available in the Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks. The integration includes: a) ConnectWise can be searched to find Contacts to pull into the quote. b) QuoteWerks will create/update a Sales opportunity in ConnectWise. You can attach to existing ConnectWise opportunities or create new opportunities in ConnectWise. You can even attach multiple quotes to the same ConnectWise opportunity. QuoteWerks creates forecast lines in the ConnectWise opportunity breaking down the forecasted amount by Product, Service, Managed Service, and Other. This enables you to quickly glance at your opportunity to see your revenue breakdown. Recurring revenue forecasting options are also supported. Products and Services can be optionally be automatically created under the Products and Services tabs respectively in the ConnectWise opportunity. These products are also created and updated in the ConnectWise master product database. c) QuoteWerks will create/update an attachment to the quote under the Documents tab in the ConnectWise Opportunity. This can be used to open up the quote that the opportunity refers to. If this is a remote install or satellite office, opening that document link will import that quote into that QuoteWerks installation. d) QuoteWerks will create/update a call activity in ConnectWise used to follow up on the quote. This call will be linked to both the ConnectWise contact and the ConnectWise Opportunity. e) The QuoteWerks DataLink feature can be used with ConnectWise enabling you to retrieve information like Terms and shipping method from the ConnectWise contact into the quote. f) When printing, QuoteWerks can retrieve Contact data from ConnectWise and include it in the printed output. g) ConnectWise Contact data can be retrieved using the F2 Lookup macro of ~ConnectWise_Macro(). h) QuoteWerks can link to the ConnectWise product database as a Product Data Source. From within QuoteWerks you can search the ConnectWise product database, and add these products to your QuoteWerks quote. i) The integration communicates directly with the ConnectWise backend, so the ConnectWise "fat" client does not need to be running for the integration to work. This is particularly useful if you do not have ConnectWise or QuoteWerks running. In this case, if you want to create a quote, you only need to open QuoteWerks.

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