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1 Search results for more than one email signature

Version: 4.6    Build: 5    Release Date: 06/10/2011     Type: New     View All Features in Build
You can now have more than one email signature. In fact, you have a Standard, Short, Alternate1, Alternate2, and Alternate3 email signature. There are so many uses for this. During each season of the year, you might have a slightly different e-mail signature (like Happy Halloween, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc) and now you can keep them all instead of replacing it each time. Sometimes you want to include your signature complete with your full address, phone number, title, etc. Other times you will just want to include your Short signature, like just your name, title, and phone number. The short signature is particularly good for QuoteValet "Your Quote is Ready" emails to your customers. The Email signature macros for use in the email templates are SignatureStandard, SignatureShort, SignatureAlternate1, SignatureAlternate2, SignatureAlternate3. Rather than typing in your email signature into each email template you setup, you can use email signature macros in them, making it easy to change your email signature in one place.