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1 Search results for VB scripting support

Version: 4.9    Build: 1    Release Date: 10/08/2013     Type: New     View All Features in Build
There is now built-in VB scripting support for the Corporate Edition. This enables you to write code to extend the functionality of QuoteWerks. Do special validations, check for combinations of items, and more. We offer professional services to assist in the writing of this script. In the Site.ini file under the [Scripting] section you can specify vbscript (.vbs) files that can be run for various events in QuoteWerks like BeforePrint, BeforeSaveDocument, etc. For example "BeforeSaveDocument=BeforeSaveDocumentEventScript.vbs", where BeforeSaveDocumentEventScript.vbs file is located in the Quotewerks folder. The ini key implementation is designed so that you can have multiple events call the same .vbs script file. For a complete list of events, please see the QuoteWerks API SDK. In the script you will have access to the API Application object and also the oEventParms object which will contain the parameters for the event being called. For example you can set oEventParms("bCancel") = True to cancel the event. Or in the BeforeDeleteDocument event you can read the oEventParms("lDocID") to know the DocID of the document being deleted. The oEventParms also contains a oEventParms("sEventName") containing the name of the event that is firing.